whale watching
During the austral winter (August and September) humpback whales, Megaptera Novaeangliae, come by the hundreds from the waters of the South Pole in Madagascar, where they are born, they mate and remain to wean children before returning in the cold waters.
It is cetaceans 15-18 meters long with long pectoral fins, characteristics compared to other species and a sociable character who manifest with spectacular jumps.
With the guidance of Max, the director, you can arrange day trips to"whale watching": we comes out in the boat, trying to spot and bring groups of whales, usually some females with their young, without disturbing them. The technique involves surpass 100 meters from their engines stop. Now approaching curious, past and giving the opportunity to observe and photograph them closely.
With a little luck, you can also listen to the "singing", with which communicate over long distances and for the more experienced dive with them to observe and photograph them underwater .
MINKE WHALE: Between October and January is also possible to see minke whales, Balaenoptera acutorostrata: 8-10 meters long, weighs up to 9 tons. Beautiful species, is among those hunted by the Japanese, Norwegians and Icelanders who capture a few hundred a year for alleged "research purposes".
WHALE SHARK: Its weight can exceed 30 tons, her mouth a meter and a half wide and her skin the 10cm thick. it is the whale shark Rhincodon typus. Despite the misleading reference, this is a shark whose name emphasizes the large size and the similarity with the physiology of cetaceans; feeds on plankton as only two other species: the Megamouth shark, a shark rare whose discovery was limited to 9 episodes from 1976 and the basking shark, Shark or elephant. A Nosy Be the whale shark is at home and will not be difficult spot him during the boat trips. When possible , we dive with him to watch it closely and photograph...
...and then again hump dolphins, striped dolphins and bottlenose dolphins that greet our daily boat trips...
Trip to "whale watching": 60€