The Marine Park
The island of Ankazoberavina is an important breeding center of Sea Turtles in Madagascar and with WCS (Wild Conservation Society) collaborates to its identification, counting and its protection.
Two types of turtles come to nest on the island the green turtle Chelonia Mydas and the hawksbill turtle Ertmochelys Imbricata.
This is one of the reasons why the stay on Ankazoberavina requires a great respect for nature. The lack of night lighting is to encourage spawning usually occurs at night with the tides mountain (day and night).
After incubation for 60 days you can witness the extraordinary spectacle of about 150-200 turtles running towards the sea defying their predatory birds , crabs, fish to get to the reef.
In the temperate waters of Madagascar during the austral winter come to breed Humpback Whales that date back hundreds from the South Pole and the months of July, August and September you can avvistarle from the island during the acrobatics of their spectacular jumps.
With a boat trip can be approached at a maximum distance of 100 meters and turning off the engine often whales curiously approaching leaving observe and photograph. With a little luck you can perceive even their "singing" sound signals with which they can communicate over long distances and sometimes even manages to dive in apnea to observe them up close.
A few miles north of the island and in front of the "Black beaches " and just off the coast of the Bay of turtles is possible even for beginners at a depth of only 15 meters to dive and enjoy the beauty of the seabed rich in corals and colorful fish species as our fantastic Coral Reef.